Our Pembrey
Pembrey is a deed-restricted community. In 1964 there was a transfer of rights from Lawrence and his second wife Esther Talley to the Pembrey Civic Association to allow them to enforce deed restrictions and covenants. Hence, the Board of Directors of the Pembrey Civic Association is responsible for enforcing its deed restrictions.
Meet the Team
Pembrey Civic Association Officers & Directors
- President – Andy Hines
- Vice President – Judy Mraz
- Treasurer – Sandra Hudak
- Secretary – Debbie Silverman
Board Members for 2022-2023
- Scott Christensen
- Kate Harper
- Peter Poulle
- Lauri Witte
- Linda Ludwig
Welcoming: Eleanor Matthews, Jerri Cherrin
Nominating: Jeff Harper
Website & Directory: John Bagger, Paul Praveen
Web Master: Paul Preveen
Website Administrators: John Bagger, Joe Thomson
Directory: Eleanor Matthews, Liz Erickson, John Bagger
Snow Removal: Dan Martelli
Entrance Maintenance: Patrick Gray
Island Maintenance: Sandra Hudak
Median Maintenance: John Bagger